Notice: My Site is fixed. You can now download The Mini Sofa and the Happiness Poster.
This morning I have a surprise for you. A Quarter scale dollhouse Sofa that you can make with Card Stock and Poster Board. Print the piece out on Card Stock and leave some of them just Card Stock. On the indicated pieces cut around the pieces in a general area then glue to Poster Board and cut out. The Poster Board pieces are the pieces that need to be thicker such as the tops of furniture, etc. The Card Stock that I used is 110 pound but you could probably use a bit lighter weight such as 90 pound..
Above is a picture of the whole set that will furnish La Petite Maison. It is a little house (pictured below) in Quarter Scale. You will have room for this one. It is very little and easy to make. See photo below. To see Mini furniture and La Petite Maison go here..
To download The Mini Sofa go here and look for Free Printies
Attn: the Mini Printie Sofa may not be available yet. Sometimes the publishing takes a while. If it isn't up yet come back later to download it.
Below. La Petite Maison. The Little House.
i love reading this article so beautiful!!great job! couch sets