Hi, My name is Barbara Del Duco and I have decided to start a Blog. I have been making Printies for about ten years. I LOVE to do this. Printies are printable graphics that you print out, usually on card stock and glue to different kind of card boards, foam core board, mat board or just use the card stock.
After they are glued and cut out, they are assembled into dollhouses, and items for dollhouses.
Some of you may already know of my Miss Mouse Tea Pot House. I have been selling it on my website for a while now. http://www.homestead.printies.com.
I have a few other things too and am working on more. I just finished The Enchanted Cottage. See picture of it below.
My boyfriend set up the picture. Didn't he do a great job. This project took me a year and a half to finish. It looks like it is very hard to make but it isn't at all. See below for pictures of how it is put together.
The back roof of the house can be glued down but if you want to put lights in it, leave it so it opens. I am going to be working on a Printie Lighting Kit soon. With this kit and the purchase of some led lights you can put lights in your cottage. You can see the inserts at the top of the second floor. They make small roofs at the peak of the roof. That is where the batteries and wires will be. Lights will come down from the ceiling.
The chimney will hold more wires and there will be beams on the bottom floor ceiling to hold the wires and lights. Now let's hope I can do this. LOL
In this illustration you can see how the printed pieces of the walls floors and roof are laid out and glued to foam core board. You cut the pieces out with an e-xacto knife. You will be surprised at how sturdy the foam core board is. All the printed pieces are sprayed with acrylic spray so they are water resistant and have a pretty tough surface.
Here you can see how to decorate the cut out pieces. Each piece is illustrated to show how to do this. You will be using card stock and balsa wood strips. The wallpaper is already there, unless you want to change it. You can print some free dollhouse wallpaper out and glue it on top of the print that is already there.
The stucco is a secret but I will tell you that it is Easy Easy Easy. LOL
Cut out and assemble the other pieces. Shown below is the dormer. Quite easy to make.
Now I am very excited about my next projects. The lighting for the cottage and finishing up the furniture which can be used in The Enchanted Cottage or The Mouse House. Also I will be making another doll house. Something a bit different this time. A sort of fantasy house.
I have the first inklings of it in my head but I need a name. It will be Shabby Chic. and will have a few furnishings in it.
Can anyone think of a name. It will be Victorian cottage, lots of pinks and blues and roses. It will be a little house that any one of us would love to live in.
I would Love your ideas. Tell me what you want. Well that's it for today. I will be back tomorrow.
PS: Could someone tell me how to get the "grass" on my title page to go away lol